浄智寺(鎌倉)/ Jochiji temple in Kamakura

布袋尊がいる「浄智寺」、苔生す感じが良かった。/ Hotei -son (God) is in “Juchiji”. The feeling of moss growing is good.


On June 27, there were no special plans, so I went around the Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Kamakura, continued from last week.


Since heavy rain is expected on the 28th nationwide, so I decided to go to “Meigetsuin”, called for “hydrangea temples”, and “Jochiji” near the Kita-Kamakura station.


  1. 明月院(閉館) / Meigetsuin Temple (closed)
  2. 浄智寺の表参道と石橋 / Approach and Stone bridge of Jochiji templ
  3. 浄智寺 総門 / Main Gate of Jochiji temple
  4. 浄智寺 山門 / Gate with bell tower of Jochiji temple
  5. 浄智寺 仏殿 / Jochiji Main Hall
  6. 庭園 / Garden
  7. 横井戸 / Horizontal Well
  8. やぐら / Cave to live
  9. 布袋尊 / Hotei-san
  10. 布袋尊とは / What is Hotei God?
  11. 鎌倉江の島七福神 / Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods
  12. 浄智寺裏門 / Back gate of Jochiji temple
  13. まとめ / Summary

■明月院(閉館) / Meigetsuin Temple (closed)


However, I should have looked at the HP before I went. “Meigetsuin” was closed on Saturdays and Sundays to prevent coronavirus. Even so, from Kita-Kamakura Station, a wave of people flowed to “Meigetsun”, and everyone felt like turning back with regret.

明月院(鎌倉)/ Meigetsuin in Kamakura


However, a beautiful blue hydrangea was visible from the top of the gate. (Is it possible to come on weekdays, next year?)

明月院 門の上から(鎌倉)/ Meigetsuin in Kamakura

■浄智寺の表参道と石橋 / Approach and Stone bridge of Jochiji temple


Now on, let’s regain my mind and go to “Jochiji temple”.


“Jochiji temple” is better than expected


First, there is a moss-covered stone bridge. It is an arch-shaped bridge with a length of about 2 m. There is a small pond below, and on the edge of the pond, there are plants and flowers in season.

浄智寺の石橋(鎌倉)/ Stone bridge in Jochiji (Kamakura)


This stone bridge cannot be crossed, so people go to the approach through the pond. The approach also has mossy stone stairs and curbs, so you can enjoy the atmosphere suitable for the ancient capital of Kamakura. The surrounding trees are well maintained and you can feel very calm.

浄智寺 参道(鎌倉) / Approach to Jochiji (Kamakura)

■浄智寺 総門 / Main Gate of Jochiji temple


If you pass through the main gate, you will find a stone staircase surrounded by plants. Azaleas are famous in spring. after that you can see famous gate, called for “Sanmon”.

浄智寺 参道2(鎌倉) / Approch to Jochiji (Kamakura)

■浄智寺 山門 / Gate with bell tower of Jochiji temple


The “Sanmon” is a rare one with a bell tower on the top.

浄智寺 山門(鎌倉)/ Gate of Jochiji (Kamakura)

■浄智寺 仏殿 / Jochiji Main Hall


The entrance fee is 200 yen (adult) (I think it was 100 yen for children), and you can enter inside. After passing the “Sanmon”, the Buddhist temple stands in front of you.


Here, the sitting statues of three Buddhas made in the Muromachi era are enshrined, and “Amida”, “Shaka” and “Miroku” mean the past, present and future respectively.

浄智寺 仏殿(鎌倉)/ Jochiji (Kamakura)

■庭園 / Garden


There is a garden that you can see best from the thatched roof guard station.

浄智寺 庭園(鎌倉)/ Garden of Jochiji (Kamakura)

■横井戸 / Horizontal Well


It is a horizontal well called for “Yoko Ido” to keep water in the old days. Horizontal well is a square shape by being worn hard stone. The sign says that bats lived 30 years ago. Since there is no light, I don’t feel like going into the inside, but I am wondering how deep it is. There is more than 3m in the visible range, but since it is bent to the right, the destination is unknown.

浄智寺 横井戸(鎌倉)/ Horizontal well in Jochiji (Kamakura)

■やぐら / Cave to live


There is a sign that says “Yagura,” and there are several cave-like holes. There used to be people living there, and then it became a grave, and then (from Taisho to early Showa) it became a warehouse for firewood and charcoal.

浄智寺 やぐら(鎌倉)/ Stack cave of Jochiji (Kamakura)


■布袋尊 / Hotei-san

It is a tunnel to reach the area of “Hotei-san”. Its width is narrow and there are stairs.

浄智寺 トンネル(鎌倉)/ Tunnel in Jochiji (Kamakura)


It is “Hotei-san”, one of “Seven Lucky Gods” in Enoshima and Kamakura. It is the god of family satisfaction.

浄智寺 布袋尊(鎌倉)/ Hotei God in Jochiji (Kamakura)

■布袋尊とは / What is Hotei God?


According to Wiki, it is a real Buddhist monk whose original name is Kaishi or Shakukaishi. In fact, he always had a bag, so it was named Hotei.


Hotei is said to have an honest feeling and a mysterious power to make people feel satisfied. It is believed that it is responsible for a wide range of talents, a generous personality, and prosperity of wealth, and the bag, which is a personal belonging, has come to be regarded as a “patient bag.” It is said to be a popular ink painting title, and is depicted in the form of a drum-bellied monk carrying a large bag.


“Hotei-san” is located at the left in the middle line of the below figures.


■鎌倉江の島七福神 / Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods


By the way, “Kamakura 7 Lucky Gods” is as follows. It is a 5km walk from “Kita-Kamakura Station” to “Hase Station”. Plus Enoshima Shrine.

  • 浄智寺:布袋尊(家庭円満)(ブログ
  • 鶴岡八幡宮:弁天(芸、財運)
  • 宝戒寺:毘沙門天(病魔退散、財宝富貴)(ブログ
  • 妙隆寺:寿老人(長寿)(ブログ
  • 本覚寺:夷尊神(商売繁盛、五穀豊穣)(ブログ
  • 長谷寺:大黒天(出世、開運)(ブログ
  • 御霊神社:福禄寿(知恵)(ブログ
  • 江島神社:弁財天(ブログ
  • Jochiji Temple: Hotei-san (family satisfaction) (Blog)
  • Tsuruoka Hachimangu: Benten (artistic and financial fortune)
  • Hokaiji Temple: Bishamonten (disappearance of illness and increasing treasure) (Blog)
  • Myoryuji Temple: Jurojin (longevity) (Blog)
  • Honkakuji Temple: Ebisu (prosperous business, fertile crops) (Blog)
  • Hasedera Temple: Daikokuten (prosperity, good luck)(Blog)
  • Goryo Shrine: Fukurokuju (wisdom) (Blog)
  • Enoshima Shrine: Benten(Blog)
浄智寺 裏門(鎌倉)/ Back gate of Jochiji (Kamakura)

■浄智寺裏門 / Back gate of Jochiji temple


Returning from Hotei-san, You can see the back gate. It also has a nice atmosphere.


Hydrangea flowers are also blooming on the grounds of “Jochiji” here.

浄智寺 紫陽花(鎌倉)/ Hydrangea around Jochiji (Kamakura)

■まとめ / Summary


I was expecting the hydrangea of “Meigetsu-in”, but it was closed. However, it was a harvest that I could see “Hotei-san” of “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods” at “Jochiji” I visited unexpectedly.


The mountain gate also equipped a bell tower, and it was impressive.

Ohtani Hisao

1967年生まれ。高校卒業まで大阪→名古屋→福岡→島根で生活。今は、神奈川県逗子市に在中。都内の会社に勤め、同居は、妻と子供2人(2020年時点 大学生)。無理をしない程度に、読書、映画、美術鑑賞、スポーツを楽しんでいます。特に2019年春からSUP(Standup Paddle Surfin)に奮闘中です。ブログで奮闘ぶり更新中です。

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