妙隆寺(鎌倉) / Myoryuji temple in Kamakura

「妙隆寺」は、足利将軍の悪政を諫めた日親上人と「鎌倉江の島七福神」の1つ「寿老人」で有名です。/”Myoryuji Temple” is famous for Nisshin Jonin who scolded Shogunate Ashikaga and “Jurojin” god who is one of the “Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods.”


This time, I went to “Myoryuji Temple”, which enshrines one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods,” the “jurojin” God.


  1. 妙隆寺とは / What is Myoryuji temple?
  2. 山門 / Sammon (Gate)
  3. 妙隆寺と境内 / Myoryuji temple and its Precincts
  4. 寿老人とは / What is Jurojin God?
  5. 百日間水行の池 / Pond where Nisshin Jonin trained
  6. まとめ / Summary

■妙隆寺とは / What is Myoryuji temple?


It is a temple of the Nichiren sect in Komachi, Kamakura.


The foundation is Tanesada Chiba. The first monk is Nichiei Jonin who is the uncle of Nisshin Jonin. This temple is founded in 1385.

この「妙隆寺」は、第2祖の日親上人が有名です。日親上人は、将軍 足利義教(よしのり)を戒めたため、拷問を受け、熱い鍋を頭から被せられ、更に、舌を切られ言葉を失い、以降「鍋かむり日親」と言われたそうです。

This “Myoryuji temple” is famous for its second-generation Nisshin Jonin. Nisshin Jonin scolded Shogunate Yoshinori Ashikaga, because his politics are so bad. After that, Nisshin was was tortured, put a hot pot on his head, cut his tongue, and lost his words.


There is a sign at the entrance. About the “pond” you can see later.

妙隆寺の看板 / Explanation of Myoryuji temple

■山門 / Sammon (Gate)


When you enter the premises, there is a “Sanmon” gate. I feel relatively new one. Pass through here and enter the precincts.

妙隆寺 山門 / Gate of Myoryuji temple

■妙隆寺と境内 / Myoryuji temple and its Precincts


After through the gate, you can find the precincts are not very so large. On the right in the foreground is a shrine where one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods,” the “Jurojin,” is enshrined. The main hall can be seen in the back.

妙隆寺 本堂 / Myoryuji temple

■寿老人とは / What is Jurojin God?


In honor of Nisshin Jonin who have done their best for the sake of the world, the “Jurojin” doll made of a single tree (Zelkova serrata) is enshrined and is said to be the god of people’s safety, health and longevity.

寿老人 が安置されている社 / Place of Jurojin


I looked into the house and took a picture. Deer also means longevity.

寿老人 / Jurojin


The “Jurojin” of “Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods” is the god on the left in the front row in the figure below.


百日間水行の池 / Pond where Nisshin Jonin trained


Next, this is the pond which is explained on the signboard at the entrance. The pond is said that Nisshin Jonin trained in water for 100 days during cold winter.

日親上人行法御地 / Nisshin jonin’s heavy training in this pond


This Nisshin Jonin might be a good monk who hated bad politics, scolded the general without fearing his retaliation, and trained hard.

■まとめ / Summary


It was a relatively small temple. However, I was impressed by the existence of Nisshin superior who had a sense of justice to give up the shogun of those days.


I was glad that I could see the statue of “Jurojin God” up close. I hope I can stay healthy and live longer.

Ohtani Hisao

1967年生まれ。高校卒業まで大阪→名古屋→福岡→島根で生活。今は、神奈川県逗子市に在中。都内の会社に勤め、同居は、妻と子供2人(2020年時点 大学生)。無理をしない程度に、読書、映画、美術鑑賞、スポーツを楽しんでいます。特に2019年春からSUP(Standup Paddle Surfin)に奮闘中です。ブログで奮闘ぶり更新中です。

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