本覚寺(鎌倉)/ Honkakuji temple in Kamakura

鎌倉駅近くの「本覚寺」。「鎌倉江の島七福神」の夷(えびす)様が祀られている。/ “Honkakuji” is near Kamakura station. The Ebisu of “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods” is enshrined.


On that day, I went to “Honkakuji temple” enshrined “Ebisu” God, one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods” near the Kamakura station.


This weekend, I visited three temples or shrines in Komachi related to “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”.

  • 宝戒寺:毘沙門天
  • 妙隆寺:寿老人
  • 本覚寺:夷
  • Houkiji Temple: Bishamonten
  • Myoryuji Temple:Jurojin
  • Honkakuji Temple: Ebisu


  1. 本覚寺とは / What is Honkakuji temple?
  2. 仁王門 / Nio-mon (Gate)
  3. 本覚寺境内 / Honkakuji’s precinct
  4. 庭園 / Garden
  5. 手水舎 / Temizuya to purify
  6. 鐘楼 / Bell tower
  7. 日蓮御分骨堂 / Nichiren-Go-Bunkotsudo (some of Nichiren’s bone)
  8. 本覚寺 本堂 / Honkakuji temple Main Hall
  9. 夷堂 / Ebisu-do
  10. 夷様とは / What is Ebisu God?
  11. まとめ / Summary

■本覚寺とは / What is Honkakuji temple?


“Honkakuji temple” is the center of the Nichiren sect. Both the founder and the first monk are Ichijoin Nisshutsu. It is founded in 1436. The main statue is Shaka Sanson. It is also called “Higashi-Minobe” (details are below) , and the “Nichiren Bunkotsudo” (Hall shrined the separated Nichiren’s bone) is located next to the main hall.

■仁王門 / Nio-mon (Gate)


There is a great “Sanmon” gate on the side of the street. According to the Wiki, it was moved from another temple in the Miura Peninsula in the early Meiji era.

本覚寺 山門 / Gate of Honkakuji temple


This “Sanmon” gate is also called “Nio-mon”, and there are Nio statues on the left and right. They are near 3m height. Their styles scare us. When I took the picture, I was a little tension from them.

■本覚寺境内 / Honkakuji’s precinct


When you pass through the gate, you will see a neat and wide precinct.


In front of you there is the main hall, on the right hand side of the approach you can see the Temizuya (hands-water-place) to purify you before pray. On the left there is a small garden where you can see the lotus, and on the right behind you there is the “Ebisu” shrine.

本覚寺 / Honkakuji temple

■庭園 / Garden


This is the garden. There are lotuses on the right front. The heyday was over, and only a few flowers were in bloom.

参道左手の庭園 / Garden on the left
蓮の花 / Lotus


On the right of Temizuya” there is “Ningyo-zuka”(doll tomb).

■手水舎 / Temizuya to purify


This is the Temizuya. Two dragons are displayed in the center of it. Due to the influence of corona virus, I could not purify myself with water.

■鐘楼 / Bell tower


To the right of the main hall is the “bell tower (Shoro)”. It is quite delicate one.

鐘楼 / Bell tower

■日蓮御分骨堂 / Nichiren-Go-Bunkotsudo (some of Nichiren’s bone)


Directly to the right of the main hall, you can see the “Nichiren-Go-Bunkotsudo”, shrined some of Nichiren’s bone. In 1274, the temple of the Tendai sect was located near the Sonmon gate, and Nichiren stayed there at that time and had been spreading the Nichiren sect. After that, as the temple of the Nichiren sect, Ichijoin Nisshyutsu built “Honkakuji” temple.


After that, Gyogakuin Niccho separated the remains of Nichiren from Minobeyama in Yamanashi pref. and put them in Honkakuji temple for the elderly and women who had difficulty visiting Minobeyama Kuonji. That is why Honkakuji temple is also called “Higashi-Minobe”, East Minobe.

■本覚寺 本堂 / Honkakuji temple Main Hall


This is the main hall. A statue of Buddha Shakyamuni is enshrined.

本覚寺 本堂/ Main hall of Honkakuji temple

■夷堂 / Ebisu-do

夷堂/ 夷尊堂」は、ちょっと洋風な感じがします。

“Ebisu-Do / Ebisu-Son-Do” feels a little Western style.


The building itself was built in 1981. As mentioned the above, the “ebisu-Do” itself was originally located at the Sanmon gate, where Nichiren stayed and was moved to the precincts when “Honkaku-ji” was built and separated in the Meiji era. It seems that it was at “Ebisu Shrine” near the Kamakura police station.


Its moving have been too many.

本覚寺 夷 / Ebisu in Honkakuji temple

■夷様とは / What is Ebisu God?


Among the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”, “Ebisu” is the god of prosperous business. He has the sea bream on the upper left on the below figure.


■まとめ / Summary


“Honkakuji” temple was a attractive temple where Nichiren stayed and some of his bone has been remained. And it has a wide precinct and there were various things there.

Ohtani Hisao

1967年生まれ。高校卒業まで大阪→名古屋→福岡→島根で生活。今は、神奈川県逗子市に在中。都内の会社に勤め、同居は、妻と子供2人(2020年時点 大学生)。無理をしない程度に、読書、映画、美術鑑賞、スポーツを楽しんでいます。特に2019年春からSUP(Standup Paddle Surfin)に奮闘中です。ブログで奮闘ぶり更新中です。

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