江島神社(藤沢) / Enoshima Shrine in Fujisawa

日本三大弁天の1つ江島神社。3姉妹の3つの弁天神社。岩屋洞窟で天然クーラー。美味しい食べ物もいっぱい。/ Eshima Shrine, one of the three biggest benten in Japan. Natural cooler in Iwaya cave. Lots of delicious food.


The “Enoshima Shrine” in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is enshrined with “Benzaiten” God, one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”. I have been here three or four times, but what I didn’t know is that it is one of the three biggest Benzaiten shrine in Japan.


“The Three biggest Benten shrines in Japan” are as follows.

  • 宝厳寺・竹生島神社(滋賀県 竹生島)(HP)
  • 江島神社 (神奈川県 江の島)
  • 大願寺・厳島神社 (広島県 厳島)
  • Hogonji/Chikubujima Shrine (Chikubu Island, Shiga Prefecture)
  • Eshima Shrine (Enoshima, Kanagawa Prefecture)
  • Daiganji Temple and Itsukushima Shrine (Itsukushima, Hiroshima Prefecture)


I haven’t visited “Chikubujima Shrine”. I would love to go if I have the opportunity. (I went to Mt. Hiei last year in Shiga prefecture)

この日は、関東の梅雨明け宣言日で、しかも、コロナで打撃を受けた経済立て直し策「Go To トラベルキャンペーン」2回目の週末なので、思ったより人が多かったです。そうここ江ノ島は、観光スポットでした。

There were more people than I expected, because it was the declaration day for the rainy season end in Kanto area, and it was the second weekend of the “Go To Travel Campaign” economic recovery plan against economic reccession by corona virus. So here Enoshima was a tourist spot.


  1. 江ノ島駅~江の島弁天橋 / From Enoshima station to Enoshima Benten Bridge
  2. 青銅の鳥居 / Seido no torii (bronze gate)
  3. 瑞心門 / Zuishi Gate
  4. 弁財天童子石像 / Stone statue of Benzai and Tendo children
  5. 手水舎 / Temizuya to purify
  6. 辺津宮(下之宮) / Hetsumiya (Shimonomiya)
  7. 奉安殿(弁天堂) / Hoan-den (Bentan-do)
  8. 八坂神社 / Yasaka Shrine
  9. 稲荷社・秋葉社 / Inarisha Akibasha
  10. 猿田彦大神碑 / Stone Monument of Sarutahiko
  11. みどりの広場 / Midori no Hiroba (Green Square)
  12. 中津宮 / Nakatsumiya
  13. 江の島サムエル・コッキング苑と江の島シーキャンドル / Samuel Cocking Garden and Enoshima Sea Candle
  14. 江の島大師 / Enoshima Daishi
  15. 山二つ / Two Mountains
  16. 奥津宮 / Okutsumiya
  17. 龍宮 / Ryugu
  18. 龍恋の鐘 / Bell of Dragon’s love
  19. 稚児ケ淵 / Chigogafuchi
  20. 江の島岩屋 / Enoshima Iwaya
  21. まとめ

■江ノ島駅~江の島弁天橋 / From Enoshima station to Enoshima Benten Bridge


I took the Enoshima Electric Railway and got off at “Enoshima Station”. It’s a nice atmosphere station building. (A train is rare because I always come by car to Enoshima)

江ノ電 江ノ島駅 / Enoshima station


When you leave Enoshima Station, you’ll find a quiet, low-rise fashionable shopping street on either side of a narrow brick tile path. I don’t know if the fashionable store used to be when I came here begore. However, the well-established Japanese confectionery shop “Nakamuraya Yokan shop” was alive and well. I thought about buying yokan (Sweet red beans brick), but the other day I bought yokan in Kita-Kamakura, so I left it off.


Heading toward Enoshima, there is an underpass that goes under National Route 134. After passing through it, you can walk on “Enoshima Benten Bridge” (Enoshima Ohashi).

江の島弁天橋 / Enoshima Benten Bridge


It seems that “Enoshima Benten Bridge” was not in the Edo period. At the time people entered Enoshima through the land that appeared at low tide. It was said that Tree bridge was built in the Meiji era. It seems that the current bridge was built in 1964. (Total length 389m)


It is the picture of Enoshima at the opening time of the country (the end of the Edo period), which was previously taken picture at the Yokohama Art Museum. It was around the time people were walking. Of course, there were no roads or houses around. Only fishing boats.


左右には、片瀬江ノ島海岸 東浜と西浜が広がっています。この日も気温が高かったため、人出が少しあります。

To the left and right are the east and west beaches of Katase Enoshima Coast. The temperature was high on this day as well, so there is a little crowd.

片瀬東浜海水浴場 / East coast of Katase
片瀬東浜から江ノ島望む / Enoshima from Katase East coast


Finally, we will set foot on the island of “Benzaiten”, one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”. In front of you, you can see the small symbol of Enoshima, “Zuishin Gate”.

江の島弁天橋 から江ノ島望む / Enoshima from Enoshima Benten bridge

■青銅の鳥居 / Seido no torii (bronze gate)


When you go through the good smell of grilled seafood, you will be greeted by the “Seido no torii (bronze gate)”. This “Seido no torii” was built in 1747 and rebuilt in 1821. 200 years have passed since the reconstruction. The “Enoshima Daimyojin” plate displayed on the torii gate is a copy of the royal frame presented by Emperor Gouda to commemorate the victory of the role of Bunei no Eki in the Kamakura era (attack of Mongolia). The real thing is in the “Hoan-den”.

青銅の鳥居 / Seido gate

■瑞心門 / Zuishi Gate


In the shopping street, there are “Shirasu (small white fish)” restaurants, “octopus pressed crackers”, “manju”, “shaved ice”, “Enoshima beer”, etc. Then, when you pass through the shopping street, you will find the “Red Torii” and “Zuishin gate” in front of you. The symbol of Enoshima, “Zuishin gate”, is a tower gate imitating Ryugu Castle.

江島神社 朱の鳥居と瑞心門 / Enoshima shrine Red Gate and Zuishin Gate


The paintings of Peony and Kara Shishi (Chinese lion) by Kataoka Kayo are displayed on the wall of “Zuishin gate”. It is said that the Kara Shishi has the meaning of prayer so that the worshipers of the festival god and worshipers do not suffer from a disaster.


If you go to the left from here, there is an escalator, but today, since it is a worship service, I will climb the stairs.

■弁財天童子石像 / Stone statue of Benzai and Tendo children

瑞心門」を潜り、階段を上ると正面に「弁財天童子石像」があります。これは平成14年に建立されたものです。平安時代中期の巻物「江嶋縁起」に江ノ島が天下の霊地であることが記されているそうです。欽明天皇の時代に、約10日間天地振動し隆起し江野嶋となった。「天女雲上に顕れ 白龍 十五童子を従え この嶋上に降居したまへり」とあり、弁財天が江ノ島に祀られている理由が右の石板に記されています。そこから1450年(平成14年時)を迎えたそうです。

If you go under “Zuishin gate” and go up the stairs, you will see “Stone Statue of Benzai and Tendo children ” in front. This was built in 2002. It seems that Enoshima is a sacred place in the scroll “Eshima Engi” in the middle of Heian period. During the time of Emperor Kinmei, it vibrated up and down for about 10 days to become Enoshima. There is a message saying, “Female god appeared on the cloud, and White dragon took 15 children, they moved down on Enoshima here”. The reason why Bensaiten is enshrined in Enoshima is written on the stone plate on the right. Since Enoshima birth it has passed 1450 years at 2020.

弁財天童子石像 / Benzaiten and children statue


If you go up the stairs, you can see down on “Zuishin gate”.

階段から瑞心門望む / Zuishin Gate looked down from steps

■手水舎 / Temizuya to purify


It is a purifying place before worship. Water comes out from the mouth of the dragon. Currently, the use is prohibited not to spread of Coronavirus.

手水舎 / place to purify

■辺津宮(下之宮) / Hetsumiya (Shimonomiya)

昔「下之宮」と言われていた「辺津宮」(へつみや)です。御祭神は、田寸津比賣命(たぎつひめのみこと)。創建は、1206年 源実朝(みなもとのさねとも)。

It is “Hetsumiya” which was once called “Shimonomiya”. The deity of the festival is Tagitsuhime no Mikoto). It was founded in 1206 by Minamoto no Sanetomo.

辺津宮 / Hetsumiya shrine

■奉安殿(弁天堂) / Hoan-den (Bentan-do)


On the left side of “Hetsumiya”, there is “Hoan-den”, which is famous as one of the three biggest Benzaiten in Japan. Happi Benten (National Important Cultural Property) and Naked Benten / Myoon Benten (City Important Cultural property) is enshrined. Admission fee is 200 yen.


“Benten” is a name that was adopted by Buddhism by the Hindu goddess Sarasvati. “Benten” is said to preach to the people of Konkomyo-kyo (Suvarṇaprabhāsottama-sūtra) and gives wisdom, longevity, and wealth to those who hear from others.

奉安殿 / Hoanden


The pictures below are Happi Benten, Naked Benten (Myoon Benten) and 15 children.


It is said that “Happi Benten” prayed that Minamoto no Yoritomo ordered the superiors to curse and kill Hidehara Fujiwara. It has been designated as the most important cultural property of the eight elbows of Japanese cypress Parquet.


“Naked Benten/Myoon Benten” is a masterpiece of the Kamakura period, with a length of 54 cm and a biwa.

鏡板雲龍図(狩野探雪筆)、江嶋縁起 巻二、インド木彫り弁財天、霊石蛇紋岩、琵琶などが見られます。

You can see Kyoban Unryuzu (by Kano Tansetsu), Enoshima Engi Vol. 2, Indian wood carving Benzaiten, sacred stone serpentine, Biwa, etc.

青銅の鳥居」にあった後宇多天皇(ごうだ)から賜った「江島大明神」の本物です。後宇多天皇ご御肖像、木造 杉山検校座像、空海手形などが見られます。

It is the real plate of “Enoshima Daimyojin” given by Emperor Gouda. The copy displayer on the “Bronze Torii”. You can see the portrait of Emperor Gouda, a wooden Sugiyama Kenko statue, and a Kukai’s hand print.

■八坂神社 / Yasaka Shrine


It is enshrined in Takehaya Susanoo Mikoto. The shrine is built with a copper roof and is enshrined as Tennosha in the Edo period. The God body was shrined in Koshigoe (near Enoshima), but the God body was swept away by the big waves and sunk in the sea. after that it was said that a fisherman found it, and was enshrined here.

八坂神社 / Yasaka shrine

■稲荷社・秋葉社 / Inarisha Akibasha


It is enshrined with Toyouke Hime no Mikoto and Honokagutsuchi no Kami.


Previously, there seemed to be many small Inari such as Akiba Inari, Yosaburo Inari, and Gyogo Inari. It is said that it was put together here.

稲荷社・秋葉社 / Inarisha shrine and Akibasha shrine

■猿田彦大神碑 / Stone Monument of Sarutahiko


It was built in 1832 as one of the Koshinto. “Sarutahiko” is a god that appears in the myths of Kojiki and Nihonshoki , and is said to have guided the way to Takachiho (in Miyazaki pref. of Kyosyu) when his grandson (Ninigi no Mikoto) descended. It is said that the “Saru” of “Sarudahiko” was linked to the “Shin” of “Koshinto”. Both of them mean “Monkey”. (The zodiac is called the “Saru” (Monkey) year.)

猿田彦大神碑/ Sarutahiko God Monument

■みどりの広場 / Midori no Hiroba (Green Square)


Seasonal flowers are planted in the flower beds in the “Green Square”. Next to it, there is an observatory, overlooking the Enoshima lighthouse, yacht harbor and the city of Koshigoe over the sea.

■中津宮 / Nakatsumiya


It is “Nakatsumiya”, which was once called “Kaminomiya”.


It is enshrined Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto, .


It seems that there are a pair of stone lanterns dedicated by the Edo Kabuki “Ichimuraza” and “Nakamuraza” on both sides of the approach, and the handprints of the Kabuki actors at that time are also left.

中津宮 / Nakatsumiya shrine

■江の島サムエル・コッキング苑と江の島シーキャンドル / Samuel Cocking Garden and Enoshima Sea Candle


When you reach the top, you have a wide view and there is a rest area for “Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden”.


“Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden” is a botanical garden full of Japanese and Western eclectic and tropical mood, where you can enjoy various flowers and plants every season.

江の島サムエル・コッキング苑 入口 / Entrance of Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden


Moreover, when you pass through it, the observation lighthouse, which is popularly known as “Enoshima Sea Candle”, stands up. This time it was taken from outside. It was renewed in 2003 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Enoden’s opening (2002).

江ノ島展望灯台を望む / look up to Enoshima Observation Lighthouse
休憩所 / Rest garden

■江の島大師 / Enoshima Daishi

江の島大師」は、1993年に最福寺 (鹿児島市)の関東別院として創建された。本尊は不動明王。室内像としては国内最大の高さ6m。別名赤不動と呼ばれている。ともともは、814年には弘法大師空海が岩屋に参拝し社殿を創建したとのを起源とする神仏習合の金亀山与願寺があったが、明治維新期の廃仏毀釈や神仏分離令で、寺は廃止されていた。その寺を復活させた形である。

“Enoshima Daishi” was established in 1993 as the Kanto annex of Saifukuji Temple (Kagoshima City). The principal image is Fudo Myo, 6m height, it is the tallest indoor image in Japan. Also known as Red Fudo. At the same time, there was the Kingameyama Yoganji Temple, combined Shinto-Buddhism that originated from the fact that Kobo Daishi (Kukai) visited an Iwaya in 814 and built a shrine. The temple was abolished at Meiji era to separate Buddism from Shinto. It is a form of resurrecting the temple.

江の島大師 / Enoshima Daishi temple
江の島大師 不動明王(赤不動)/ Enoshima Daishi Fudo Myo O (Red Fudo)

■山二つ / Two Mountains


“Two mountains” is a mark of the collapse of the ceiling of a large sea cave. From the top, it looks like a gourd and looks like it has two mountains. Looking down here, it is a thrilling feeling as if you are sucked in. Especially when the waves are rough, it is powerful.

山二つ / Yama futatsu

■奥津宮 / Okutsumiya


“Okutsumiya” used to be called “Iwaya Hongu”.


The eldest daughter of the three sisters, Tagiri Hime no Mikoto, is enshrined.

奥津宮 鳥居 / Okutsumiya Gate


The “Temizuya” to purify in “Okutsumiya” has a symbol of turtle. Water is coming out of the turtle’s mouth. You can use it here.

手水舎 / place to purify


Otohime of Ryugu is in the lantern on the right, and Taro Urashima, who rides on a turtle in the lantern on the left, are elaborately sculptured .

奥津宮 / Okutsumiya

奥津宮 本殿 / Okutsumiya main hall

■龍宮 / Ryugu


The deity is Ryugu Daijin. A palace built in 1993. Since the birth of Enoshima, the dragon has become a target of worship and has been associated with the Benzai faith.

龍宮 / Tatsunomiya
龍宮大神 / Ryugu Daijin

■龍恋の鐘 / Bell of Dragon’s love


“Ryuren no Kane (Bell of Dragon’s love)” was created in 1996.


At that time, it seems that the legend says that 5 heads dragon, who was afraid of child death in a bottomless swamp, fell in love with the heavenly maiden (Benzaiten) that appeared during the ups and downs, and changed his mind. This converted 5 heads dragon is enshrined in the “Takiguchi myo Shrine” in Koshigoe.


As you can see in the picture, there are a lot of padlocks with the names of the lovers (male and female). It was said that “the lovers who ring this bell would never separate”, and it was also used as the location for “Hidamari no Kanojo” (movie).

龍恋の鐘 / Bell of Dragon’s love

■稚児ケ淵 / Chigogafuchi


“Kagogafuchi” is a sea caved land created by the uplifting phenomenon of Enoshima. It is said to have been given the place name derived from the child name, Shiragiku who threw herself from here.


This place is famous for the beauty of the sunset over Mt. Fuji. On that day, I couldn’t see Mt. Fuji because of the clouds. On the other hand, it is also known as a famous spot for surf fishing, and it was enjoyed by many anglers.

稚児ケ淵 / Chigogafuchi
稚児ケ淵 2 / Chigogafuchi 2

■江の島岩屋 / Enoshima Iwaya


There are two large caves at “Enoshima Iwaya”.


Admission is 500 yen (adult) and 200 yen (child) for the two caves.


It was a summer day, so the inside of the cave was very cool, and it was just a natural cooler and it revived me. As a measure against corona, there were restrictions on wearing masks and social distance.


I have been to the Iwaya cave the third time, but I entered here because of this heat and the purpose that I wanted to take a picture for this blog.


This is the first Iwaya.

与謝野晶子の歌「沖つ風 吹けばまたゝく 蠟の灯に 志づく散るなり 江の島の洞」。

The song by Akiko Yosano, “Okitsu Kaze Fukeba Mattaku Ro no Hini Shizuku Chirunari Enoshima no Do” (At the cave in Enoshima, if the wind blows off the sea, the candle lights will flicker and the drops will be scattered.”)


The path splits up here in two. Both of them are low in height, and I often bend my back. The child seemed scared, but I don’t think there’s anything particularly scary about it, just because it’s dark.


It is said that the hole in the photo below is connected to an ice hole on Mt. Fuji, but what about? I want to believe it, but I don’t think it is not real because it’s a 70km distance between Enoshima and Mt.Fuji and Enoshima is also raised island.

江の島~富士山 70km


A stone shaped like the sleeping figure of a Nichiren Superior (left).


It is said to be the “place of origin of Ejima Shrine”. It is said that many high priests and warlords visited here and prayed for long time. It was called “Enoshima Sanro.” It is said that in the old days, the gods here were moved to the Okutsumiya temporarily on the mountain while the seawater came in.


It is an attraction dragon in the second Iwaya. Speakers are installed in the cave, and the roar of the dragon occasionally echoes in the cave. (The video was better than the below picture)



The purpose was to visit the “Enoshima Shrine” where “Benzaiten”, one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”, is enshrined. As a result, this day was attractive visit to many places in Enoshima since a long miss. I went to one of the most popular tourist spots without a break, but it took two and a half hours when I returned to Enoshima Station. On the way, I cooled in a cave, but it was hot and I was tired.


The things that left the most impression on me are the “Happi Benten” and “Naked Benten/Myoon Benten” that I saw for the first time. The real plate of “Ejima Daimyojin” given by Emperor Gouda was also good.

Ohtani Hisao

1967年生まれ。高校卒業まで大阪→名古屋→福岡→島根で生活。今は、神奈川県逗子市に在中。都内の会社に勤め、同居は、妻と子供2人(2020年時点 大学生)。無理をしない程度に、読書、映画、美術鑑賞、スポーツを楽しんでいます。特に2019年春からSUP(Standup Paddle Surfin)に奮闘中です。ブログで奮闘ぶり更新中です。

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