増上寺(東京 芝)/Zojoji Temple in Shiba, Tokyo

徳川家康から深く帰依を得たことで、浄土宗として関東の中心となった増上寺。境内の一部は、東京タワーに。/ Zojoji Temple became the center of the Kanto region as Jodo sect due to its deep devotion from Tokugawa Ieyasu. Part of the precinct is in Tokyo Tower.


This day was the annual media check day, and I got off at Hamamatsucho station.


Since it takes less than an hour to get throat anesthetized after the medical checkup, it is a regular routine to visit Zojoji Temple to kill time before lunch.

半沢直樹 4話 増上寺 / TV “Hanzawa Naoki””
半沢直樹 4話 増上寺 / TV “Hanzawa Naoki””

TBS 日曜劇場「半沢直樹」第4話(8月9日)を見ていると、ここ夜のシーンでしたが「増上寺」と東京タワーがセットになって映っていましたね。(放送前8月4日に足を運んでいたのので、驚きました)

When I was watching the 4th episode (August 9th) of TBS Sunday Theater “Hanzawa Naoki” TV program, it was the scene of this night, but “Zojoji” and Tokyo Tower were used as a set. (I was surprised because I was on August 4th before the broadcast)

■目次 / Contents

  1. 増上寺とは / What is Zojoji Temple?
  2. 大門鳥居 / Daimon Torii
  3. 三解脱門 / Sangedatsumon Gate
  4. 水盤舎 / Suibansha
  5. 聖鉄観音 / Seitesu Kannon
  6. 鐘楼堂 / Bell Tower
  7. 増上寺 本殿 / Zojoji Temple Main Hall
  8. 光摂殿 / Kayden経蔵 / Kyozo
  9. 慈雲閣 / Jiunkaku
  10. 安国殿 / Ankokuden
  11. 西向聖観世音菩薩 / Seiko-Syokanseon-Bosatsu
  12. その他(今回行けなかったところ) / Others (Never visited place)
  13. まとめ / Summary

■増上寺とは / What is Zojoji Temple?


One of the seven main temples of the Jodo sect, Sanenzan Hirodoin Zojoji temple.


In 1393, the founder was the Yuyoshoso superior. He converted the Shingon sect “Komyoji” into a Jodo sect at the current Kaizuka in Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, and was founded as Seito Konpon Nenbutsu Dojo. It was temporarily relocated to Hibiya. It was temporarily relocated to Hibiya, but it was relocated to the current land of Shiba in 1598 by Ieyasu Tokugawa.


In the early Edo period, Genyo Zonnou was deeply devoted to Ieyasu Tokugawa, and was prosperous with his generous protection.


In addition, as a Bodhisattva temple for the Tokugawa Shogunate and as the head of the Kanto Eighteen Danbayashi (schools and training centers), it became the controlling organization of the Jodo sect. It was always a large temple for 3,000 monks to study.


It has many important cultural properties as well as buildings.

■大門鳥居 / Daimon Torii


I don’t know why Zojoji had a “torii” even though it was a “temple”. Immediately after the Meiji Restoration, under the Shinto national religion policy, it became the headquarters of the Daikyoin, which is an institution for the training of semi-public and semi-private Buddhism. Then, the temple of Daikyoin was set up. Therefore, it seems that a torii, which is usually built in a shrine, was placed on the approach.


This Daimon Torii was built with donations to citizens in 1948. Cars come and go through it as usual. I’m really surprised that I can’t see it at the shrines and temples around Kamakura that I usually visit.


From this Daimon Torii gate to “San Gedatsu Mon (Gate)”, there is a town and Shiba Park. 


This seems to have been reduced in size due to the separation of Shinto and Buddha after the Meiji Restoration, and the wide area of the precinct has become Shiba Park. It’s still a wide precinct, but at that time it was extremely large.

増上寺 大門鳥居 / Zojoji Temple Daimon Torii Gate

■三解脱門 / Sangedatsumon Gate


The San Gedatsu Mon (Gate) of the Zojoji Temple was built in 1622 and escaped the damage by war . Although the scale is large, I feel that the contrast between red and black creates its majesty.


It is said that if you pass through this gate, you will be able to break free from the three poisons (three anxieties, namely, greed, bruise, and evil). The statue of Shakya Sanson and 16 statues of Rakan are enshrined inside.

増上寺 三解脱門 / Zojoji Temple Gate

■水盤舎 / Suibansha


This “Suibansha” is also called “Temizuya”. It is a place where you can rinse your hands and mouth to purify before visiting. This building was originally around the mausoleum of the third son Tsunashige of the Tokugawa family’s third shogun, Iemitsu Tokuaga, and Kofu castle owner, but “Suibansha” is a valuable piece that was reconstructed in its current location as it was at the time.

増上寺 手水舎/ Zojoji Temple Temizuya (the place to purify)

■聖鉄観音 / Seitesu Kannon

増上寺 聖鉄観音 / Seitetsu Kannon in Zojoji Temple

■鐘楼堂 / Bell Tower


This bell is approx. 3m height and 15 ton weight.

増上寺 鐘楼 / Bell Tower in Zojoji Temple

■増上寺 本殿 / Zojoji Temple Main Hall

増上寺 大殿 / Zojoji Temple Main Hall


This Great Main Hall was rebuilt in 1974. It has 4 floors from the 1st basement floor to the 3rd floor above ground. The 1st basement floor is the treasure exhibition room, the 1st floor is the reception hall and waiting room for the Danites, and the 2nd floor is the main hall, which enshrines the main priest, Amida Nyorai. The third floor is the place of monk staying (Dojo).


Next to the main priest, Amida Nyorai, there is a statue of Honen in the side Buddha and a statue of the Zendo master, Established the Jodo thought centered on the “Shomei Nenbutsu” as a Buddhist monk.

■光摂殿 / Kosyoden

増上寺 光摂殿 / Kosyoden in Zojoji Temple


There is an auditorium and a hall (there is a closed ceiling picture).

■経蔵 / Kyozo

■慈雲閣 / Jiunkaku

増上寺 慈雲閣 / Jiunkaku in Zojoji Temple


A place where funerals are held.

■安国殿 / Ankokuden


The secret Buddha “Kuro (Black) Honson Amida Nyorai” is enshrined as a famous Buddha of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Kuro Honson is a sacred image of the Buddhist statue of Ieyasu that Ieyasu was deeply revered for, and due to its protection, repeated disasters were eliminated, victory was achieved, and a great desire to unify the Japan was fulfilled. Since then, it has been widely respected by people.

■西向聖観世音菩薩 / Seiko-Syokanseon-Bosatsu


Kannon Bodhisattva facing west. Kannon statue having one face and two elbows is called the “Sei” Kannon.

■その他(今回行けなかったところ) / Others (Never visited place)

  • 圓光大師堂 / Enkodaishido
  • 徳川将軍家墓所 / Mausoleum of Tokugawa Shoguns
  • 大納骨堂 / Dai-nokotsu-do
  • 貞恭庵 / Teikyo-an
  • 熊野神社 / Kumano Shrine
  • 黒門 / Kuromon

■まとめ / Summary


Zojoji Temple surrounded by skyscrapers in the middle of the city. It is a very wide precinct. Even so, the precincts were shrunk at the Meiji era, and are used for surrounding roads, towns, Shiba Park, and Tokyo Tower. At that time, it was so wide that 3000 people could have trained.


I couldn’t go around all because it was a limited action of less than 30 minutes. Next year, if I have time, I would like to go into the paid “Ankokuden”.

Ohtani Hisao

1967年生まれ。高校卒業まで大阪→名古屋→福岡→島根で生活。今は、神奈川県逗子市に在中。都内の会社に勤め、同居は、妻と子供2人(2020年時点 大学生)。無理をしない程度に、読書、映画、美術鑑賞、スポーツを楽しんでいます。特に2019年春からSUP(Standup Paddle Surfin)に奮闘中です。ブログで奮闘ぶり更新中です。

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