Categories: 旅行

“Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods” in Japan

Every year, not only Japanese but also many foreigners come to Kamakura (Wiki)and Enoshima for sightseeing. It has been over 20 million people a year.

Currently (March-August 2020), travel is restricted to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, so there are almost no foreigners.

鎌倉・江の島七福神 / Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods

Being non-religious, I am not belong to any particular denomination. I think this is the majority of Japan’s youth to middle age.

However, many Japanese value many gods and Buddhist ancestors.

I live in Zushi City next to Kamakura City, but until now I knew the name of “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”, but I couldn’t take interest.

This time, I wanted to experience the charm of the tourist resort Kamakura myself, so I decided to visit the shrines and temples.

There are so many shrines and temples in Kamakura, but I was convinced that the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods” tour will be a trip that allows you to enjoy the charm of Kamakura and Enoshima in a compact tour while being auspicious of God.

The stations used are Kita-Kamakura and Kamakura on the JR (Japan Railway) Yokosuka Line, and Hase and Enoshima on the Enoshima Electric Railway.

If you are limited to “Kamakura Enoshima 7 lucky Gods“, please go as follows.

  1. Get off at Kita-Kamakura Station
  2. Then go to Jōchiji Temple
  3. Go to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine on foot
  4. Go to Hokaiji Temple
  5. Go to Myoryuji Temple
  6. Go to Honkakuji Temple
  7. Get on Enoshima Electric Railway at Kamakura Station
  8. Get off at Hase Station
  9. Go to Hase Temple
  10. Go to Goryo Shrine
  11. Take the Enoshima Electric Railway again at Hase Station
  12. Get off at Enoshima Station
  13. Visit Enoshima Shrine
Kita-Kamakura Sta. to Myoryuji Temple
Honkakuji Temple to Goryo Shrine to Hase Sta.
Hase Sta. to Enoshima Shrine

Actually, it will take 4 to 5 hours to turn efficiently, but it may take 2 days if it is crowded or slowly turning.

At each shrine and temple, a unique commemorative stamp or handwriting called “Goshuin” will be written. Each place has various characteristics and is interesting. There are a lot of people who have a hobby to collect this.

There is thick paper printed God characters exclusively for “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods“. If you record the “Goshuin” of the shrines and temples you visited, it will definitely be a memory of your memories.

Seven Lucky Gods” are introduced by Hindu gods of India and Buddhist gods of China to Japan, and add happiness to prayers with their own added value.

  1. Hotei-san (family satisfaction)
  2. Benten (artistic and financial fortune)
  3. Bishamonten (disappearance of illness and increasing treasure)
  4. Jurojin (longevity)
  5. Ebisu (prosperous business, fertile crops)
  6. Daikokuten (prosperity, good luck)
  7. Fukurokuju (wisdom)
Kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods

By all means, when visiting Kamakura, Japan, why don’t you try walking and sweating for your health to collect each and every “Goshuin” (stamp)?

Goshuin of “kamakura Enoshima 7 Lucky Gods”

There are many delicious meals and sweets in Kamakura and Enoshima.

If you go around the shrines and temples while enjoying such fun together, you will have more memories. Although not included in this “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods“, there is also “Kamakura Gu Shrine” and “Kotoku-in temple” where the Great Buddha of Kamakura is located.

I would be very pleased if you could make the “Kamakura” and “Enoshima” tourism more meaningful.

Below are the blogs when I visited “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods“. I’d be happy if you could refer to this blog before coming to Kamakura or Enoshima, or while actually coming. We also hope that many people can spread the charm of “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods” to many people.

Jochiji Temple: Hotei-san (details refer to my Blog)

浄智寺 山門(鎌倉)/ Gate of Jochiji (Kamakura)

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu: Benten(details refer to my Blog)

鶴岡八幡宮楼門 / Gate of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

Hokaiji Temple: Bishamonten (details refer to my Blog)

宝戒寺 / Hokaiji temple

Myoryuji Temple: Jurojin (details refer to my Blog)

妙隆寺 本堂 / Myoryuji temple

Honkakuji Temple: Ebisu (details refer to my Blog)

本覚寺 本堂/ Main hall of Honkakuji temple

Hasedera Temple: Daikokuten (details refer to my Blog)

観音堂 長谷寺 / Kannondo in Hase-dera temple

Goryo Shrine: Fukurokuju (details refer to my Blog)

御霊神社(鎌倉) / Gorei Temple in Kamakura (2020, June 21st)

Enoshima Shrine: Benten(details refer to my Blog)

江島神社 朱の鳥居と瑞心門 / Enoshima shrine Red Gate and Zuishin Gate

===================the below is Japanese================



















Ohtani Hisao

1967年生まれ。高校卒業まで大阪→名古屋→福岡→島根で生活。今は、神奈川県逗子市に在中。都内の会社に勤め、同居は、妻と子供2人(2020年時点 大学生)。無理をしない程度に、読書、映画、美術鑑賞、スポーツを楽しんでいます。特に2019年春からSUP(Standup Paddle Surfin)に奮闘中です。ブログで奮闘ぶり更新中です。

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