鶴岡八幡宮(鎌倉)/ Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine (Kamakura)
鎌倉を代表する「鶴岡八幡宮」。「鎌倉江の島七福神」の「弁財天」目的で来たが、やはり奥深い。/ “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu” is represented in Kamakura. I came here for the purpose of “Benzaiten” of “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”. Here has deep history for me.
“Tsurugaoka Hachimangu” is a standard sightseeing spot in Kamakura. I also visit the New Year every year, so I can’t count the number of times I have come.
“Tsuruoka Hachimangu” is a place you should definitely visit if you visit Kamakura.
It is such “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu”, but it is the first time to visit “Benzaiten” of “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”. Unlike New Year’s pray, there are so few people, so I was able to see places I had never seen before.
■目次 / Contents
- 鎌倉駅~小町通り / Kamakura Sta. and Komachi street
- 段葛(表参道)/ Dankatsura (Approach)
- 鶴岡八幡宮の境内 / Precincts of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu
- 旗上弁財天社 / Hataage Benzaiten Sha
- 自お祓い / Self-Purification
- 舞殿と手水舎 / Maiden and Temizuya
- 鶴岡八幡宮 / Tsurugaoka Hachimangu
- 丸山稲荷社 / Maruyama Inari Shrine
- 若宮(下宮) / Wakamiya
- 白旗神社 / Shirohata Shrine
- 今宮 / Imamiya
- まとめ / Summary
■鎌倉駅~小町通り / Kamakura Sta. and Komachi street

It starts from “Kamakura Station”. The station building was renewed a few years ago, and now you can shop for souvenirs.

The entrance to “Komachi-dori (street)”. The plate above the torii says “Hachimangu shortcut”. Although “Komachi-dori” is not Omotesando (an approach to Hachimangu), there are various shops such as restaurants, souvenir shops, and old-fashioned butcher shops, so the shops may change before you come. If you visit Kamakura, It is better you go through this street once.

The crowd on this day is about 30% than that of before Corona virus. You can walk at your own pace. Since it’s summer, you can see men and women wearing Yukata, Japanese traditional wear in summer. It seems that Yukata and Kimono rental shops have recently been attracting attention.
■段葛(表参道)/ Dankatsura (Approach)

Turn right at the first intersection after entering “Komachi-dori” and you will come to the entrance of “Dankazura” of “Omotesando (approach)” of “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu”. The “the first Torii” of Wakamiya Daiji (roadway), the approach to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, is about 800m on the sea side. This is the “the second Torii”.
Usually, it’s a place where many people take pictures one after another, but on this day, after a short wait, there was no one at all.

“Dankuzura” is a scenic spot of cherry blossom trees. The total length is about 500m. It is roads for pedestrians, about 50 cm higher than the Wakamiya Oji (roadway) on both sides. “Dankuzura” was rebuilt in 2016 and turned from sand to earth-colored concrete and stone blocks.

After passing the “the third Torii”, you will come into the precincts. From this point, you can see both “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu” and “Taikobashi (arched bridge)” over the torii gate.
■鶴岡八幡宮の境内 / Precincts of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu

This is a guide map of the precincts. Please visit the precincts while looking at this map.

It is the precincts of “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu”. If you walk about 200m, you will reach “Maiden” and 50m (mainly stairs) to “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu”. There are not many people on this day, but during New Year’s Day, only the human head can be seen, as shown in the photo below.

“Heike Pond” is on the left side of “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu”, and it is said that red lotus used to bloom in the past. It seems that lotus flowers were a little late at this time. You can see a bit of the museum building on your right on this picture.

The “Genji Pond” is on the right side of “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu” and is connected to “Heike Pond” under “Taikobashi (arched bridge)”. It is said that white lotus was planted here. Beyond the pond is the floating island of “Hataage Benzaten”. You can go there by walking on a bridge.

The museum building is in the foreground and is adjacent to the Heike Pond. Over there is a restaurant and shop building. It is a rather stylish and open building. It seems that you can have tea on the terrace.

It is “Kamakura National Treasure Museum”. It is located along the approach to Shirohata Shrine.

There is “Yanagihara Kamiike (pond)” on the way from “Wakamiya” to “Shirohata Shrine”. Autumn leaves cover the pond. I really want to enjoy the autumn colors in autumn.

The “Yui Wakamiya Yohaijo” is just past “Yanagihara Kamiike (pond)”. There is “Yui Wakamiya” (Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Motomiya) in Kamakura Zaimokuza, about 2 km from here. During the Heian period, when Yoritomo Minamoto, Genji Kawachi, went to Tohoku for “Zen 9 nen no Eki (the war of Zen ninth year)”, Iwashimizu Hachimangu was enshrined there. After that, since it was moved to this area, it is now called “Moto Hachiman (previous Hachiman)”. It is the same meaning you pray “Yui Wakamiya” in Kamakura Zaimokuza when you pray this “Yui Wakamiya Yohaijo”.

It is said in the “Sagamikoku Fudokiko (Sagami region history)” that these stones will come out the shape of crane and turtle when the stones are washed with water.

It is a stone monument of a song that was read with fear that Sanetomo Minamoto, the third shogun was killed under a large ginkgo.

There is a monument above when the Emperor Meiji came to Kamakura during the Meiji era.
■旗上弁財天社 / Hataage Benzaiten Sha

It is the main purpose of this time. This is a visit to “Benzaten”, one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods”. This “Hataage Benzaiten Sha” is built on the island of “Genji Pond” side of “Genpei Pond”. You can walk on the vermilion bridge.
After crossing, there is a small precinct and the flags are erected. You can pray under the wisteria shelf.

In 1180 Minamoto no Yoritomo raised the flag in Izu region. However, he lost in the battle of Ishibashi Mountain, then moved to Kamakura and founded Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. His wife, Masako Hojo, prayed for the destruction of the Heike and made the Genji pond and Heike pond. In Genji pond, 3 islands is arranged and 3 pronounce is “san” . It is the same pronounce of Kanji of “birth”. In Heike pond, Four islands are arranged and 4 pronounce is “shi” . It is the same pronounce of Kanji of “death”.
Then, it began to honor “Benzaiten Sha” on one island of Genji Pond. After that, in the first year of the Meiji era, the “Benzaiten Sha” was lost due to the separation of Shinto and Buddhism, but it was revived in 1931. In 1980, to commemorate the 800th anniversary of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the current shrine was restored based on an old map of the late Edo period. The “Benzaiten statue”, which is respected here, is a masterpiece of Kamakura sculpture and a goddess of humanistic performing arts.
You can pray for Opening, business expansion, family safety, prosperous business, prayer for victory, healing of illness, prayer for marriage, etc.

“Masako stone” is located behind “Benzaiten Sha” and is said to be a prayer stone for couple’s peace and child birth.
■自お祓い / Self-Purification

Unusual tents were set up on both sides of the stairs at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. It seems to be a measure against coronal viruses. It is said that there is a place for people to pray for themselves because the general public cannot attend the annual “Oharai (Great Purification)” ceremony.
First, you will be given a doll made of paper.
- 茅の輪の真ん中から潜って
- 左回りして潜って
- 右回りして潜って
- 左回りで潜って
- お参り
- pass through from the middle of Kaya ring,
- pass through counterclockwise,
- pass through clockwise,
- pass through counterclockwise,
- and pray

お参りの手順は、1)紙人形で体を撫でる 2)人形に息を吹きかける 3)人形を納め箱に入れる
The procedure for praying is 1) stroking the body with a paper doll, 2) blowing on the doll and 3) putting the doll in a box.
Purify your body and soul and pray for the end of the plague and the illness.

The collected dolls will be destroyed powerfully by the fire.
■舞殿と手水舎 / Maiden and Temizuya

It is a stage where “Shizuka no Mai” is performed every year.
Originally, “Shizuka Gozen” was “Shira Byoshi (Dancer and Performer)” in Kyoto. It is known that Pope Goshirakawa ordered 100 people to perform the “Amagoi no Mai (praying for rain)” at the order of the 100th person, and the 100th person, “Shizuka Gozen,” rained for three days. At that time, he became a concubine of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and later she and Yoshitsune escape from elder brother Yoritomo’s control. “Shizuka Gozen” is captured after being separated from Yoshitsune and transferred to Kamakura.
At that time, it was said that Minamoto no Yoritomo demanded a dance, but she refused, and at last she sang and danced in Wakamiya Shrine to sang the thought of Yoshitsune. The place you’ve been waiting for is said to be the corridor of the Wakamiya Shrine, not the Maiden.
吉野山 峰の白雪 ふみわけて 入りにし人の 跡ぞ恋しき (吉野山の白雪を踏み分けて山深くお入りになってしまった義経様が恋しい )
I miss Yoshitsune who stepped into the white snow of Yoshino mountain and entered deep into its mountain.
しづやしづ しづのをだまき くり返し 昔を今に なすよしもがな (静、静と繰り返し私の名を呼んだあの人の輝かしかった頃にもう一度戻りたい)
I want to go back that was the better days to meet with Yoshitsune who called my name “Shizu” and “Shizu” repeatedly.
It seems that Minamoto no Yoritomo was furious, but Masako Hojo said he gave up.
Later, she gave birth Yoshitsune’s bagy, but the baby was killed by Yoritomo’s order and abandoned it at Yui-ga-Hama (beach). It is said that “Shizuka Gozen” has not been known to leave Kamakura, head for Kyo, or throw herself at Yui-ga-Hama.

This is the “Maiden” view from the “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu” side. Weddings are held at this “Maiden”. I’ve been on stage at a relative’s wedding. Blessed by many.

The “Temizuya” to purify is currently unavailable. On the left side of this, there is a place where water came out of the cylinder, and I just washed my hands there.
■鶴岡八幡宮 / Tsurugaoka Hachimangu

Speaking of “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu,” “Great Ginkgo”. It is a place where Kugyo was hidden and assassinated the third Shogun Sanetomo Minamoto in Kamakura era. However, in 2010, the 1,000-year-old “Great Ginkgo” fell down and remains as a stump (front of the photo). Currently, a child’s ginkgo is growing to nearly 3 m (photo behind).

After climbing 61 stairs next to the Ginkgo, you will be invited by the “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Romon Gate.” After coming through the gate, there are the worship hall, the mint, and the main hall. (photographing is prohibited)
The kanji character “eight” of the flat-shaped “Hachimangu” above the gate represents the shape of a pigeon facing each other. This means that the messenger of Hachimanjin(God) is pigeon.
“Tsurugaoka Hachimangu” is the shrine associated with the first Shogun Kamakura general Minamoto no Yoritomo. It is said to be one of the “Great No.3 Hachiman”. Usually, 3 of the 4 shrines below are selected.
- 宇佐神宮(大分県宇佐市)
- 石清水八幡宮(京都府八幡市)
- 筥崎宮(福岡県福岡市東区)
- 鶴岡八幡宮(神奈川県鎌倉市)
- Usa Shrine (Usa City, Oita Prefecture)
- Iwashimizu Hachimangu (Hachiman City, Kyoto Prefecture)
- Hakozakigu (Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)
- Tsurugaoka Hachimangu (Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
The festival gods of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu in Kamakura are as follows.
- 応神天皇 (おうじんてんのう) 第15代天皇
- 比売神 (ひめがみ)
- 神功皇后 (じんぐうこうごう) 第14代仲哀天皇の妃、応神天皇の母
- Emperor Ojin, 15th Emperor
- Hime God
- Empress Jingu, 14th Princess of Emperor Nakaso, Mother of Emperor Ojin
According to the Wiki, in 1063, Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, who is based in Kawachi Province (Osaka Prefecture), prayed for victory in in “the nine years war” at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Gokokuji Temple in Kyoto. It started when Minamoto no Yoritomo entrusted it to Yuigo Tsurugaoka, Kamakura as a Tsurugaoka Wakamiya. Jinguji Temple was founded in 1208.
Although Tsurugaoka Hachimangu declined after the Kamakura era, it was scaled up under the patronage of the Edo Shogunate. However, the scale of the shrine and Buddhism separated again during the Meiji era, and the scale is now almost the same.

There are statues on both sides of the entrance of “Tsuruoka Hachimangu Romon Gate”.

There is a “Treasure Hall” on the west side of the main hall. If you pay the entrance fee, you can see the treasure. The entrance to the “Treasure Hall” is on the main hall side (inside). To the left of this photo is the Usa Jingu Yohaijo.
■丸山稲荷社 / Maruyama Inari Shrine

There is “Maruyama Inari Sha” opposite the “Treasure Hall”. If you go up the stairs surrounded by many torii gates for less than 1 minute, you will find the shrine in a small precinct.

This is the oldest building in the Muromachi period at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, and the shrine is surrounded by red flags dedicated to those who pray for prosperous business.
■若宮(下宮) / Wakamiya

There are three pillars (festival Gods) of wakamiya, including Emperor Nintoku.
Minamoto no Yoritomo moved the “Yui Wakamiya” in Zaimokuza region to this position and called it “Tsurugaoka Wakamiya.” When it was burnt down in 1191, the main hall was built newly and the “Wakamiya” was rebuilt. The current shrine was built in 1624 and has become an important cultural property. The shrine at that time was relocated to Egara Tenjin Shrine (500m on east), where Michizane Sugawara is the deity, and remains as the only Kamakura architecture.
It is said that “Shizuka Gozen” actually danced in the corridor here. Currently, it is used for wedding waiting rooms.
■白旗神社 / Shirohata Shrine

The shrine is named after the white flag of Genji, and the deities of the festival are Minamoto no Yoritomo and Minamoto no Sanetomo. It is said that Masako Hojo built it. Shirohata Shrine exists all over the country.
As an anecdote, when Hideyoshi Toyotomi visited the Shirohata Shrine, he said to the enshrined Minamoto no Yoritomo statue, “The only ones who have grown up in spite of their small physical growth are the Gods. Your ancestors were powerful in the Kanto region, and it would have been easy for many soldiers to follow you if you raised the army. But I took the top of Japan from bottom level. After that, it is said that he struck the back of the statue saying, “You and I are friends as the top of the Japan.”

There is a lotus flower sculpture on the basin of the Temizusha at Shirohata Shrine. The fact that the shrine “Temizuya” and the Buddhist “Lotus” have been mixed after the separation of the Buddhist gods in the Meiji era is evidence that this place was once “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu-ji temple” during the God-Buddha mixed era.
■今宮 / Imamiya
I haven’t been “Imamiya” this time, but the gods of “Imamiya” are Emperor Gotoba, Emperor Tsuchimikado, and Emperor Juntoku, who were exiled in the Gyoku Revolt.
I will update the information the next time I go.
■まとめ / Summary
It was nice to be able to visit one of the “Kamakura Enoshima Seven Lucky Gods” “Hataage Benzaiten”, “Maruyama Inari Shrine” and “Shirohata Shrine”. By writing this blog, I was able to understand each buildings and it was a good opportunity.
Due to the influence of Corona, I had a valuable experience at the special “Self Purification”.
I went without studying in advance, so I missed some places and would like to visit there next time.